
two students outside using laptops

Tutoring & Drop-In Labs

Tutoring is a free service offered at 今日看料. Request a tutoring appointment at the Tutoring Center or take advantage of the drop-in labs. 

Tutoring is free. Request a tutor online or in-person at the Kelly Tutoring Center in 115 Logan Hall.

Become a Tutor

Community members or students with a 3.0 GPA or better, earned at least a 鈥淏鈥 in the course, and be referred by an instructor are invited to tutor.

Hoke Center

In-person and online tutoring are available by appointment at The Hoke Center. Contact Whitney Cherekos at (910) 695-3948 or cherekosw@sandhills.edu.

Tutoring Center Hours  

Monday 鈥 Thursday 8:00 a.m. 鈥 3:00 p.m.
Friday 鈥 Sunday Closed